When Vegetables go to Seed in our Urban Farm, This is What we do

When Vegetables go to Seed in our Urban Farm, This is What we do
Flowering plants are fantastic because we get to see the fruit come out shortly thereafter.  This applies to fruit trees and much of our produce like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, among others. When it comes to veggies like lettuce, cilantro, parsley, ect.  the flowering means that the end of life for that plant...

Compostable Products and Why we will Continue to use them

Compostable Products and Why we will Continue to use them
A little while back I was sharing a beer with my friend Charlie from Degree 18 Juice Bar and he shared with me about a company here in Puerto Rico called Caribe Compostables where he buys his compostable serving containers.  He shared why it was important for him to invest...

Building a Veggie Garden at Degree 18 with their entire Crew

Building a Veggie Garden at Degree 18 with their entire Crew
So much to do and so little time is how the saying goes, but there is always time to help build a veggie garden in our community.  On November 13, 2018 we broke ground on transforming an unsuspecting back yard at Degree 18 Juice bar in to a veggie producing micro garden with a greenhouse.

We Joined the Farmers Market in December and this is how it went

We Joined the Farmers Market in December and this is how it went
The second week of January 2019 was initially our target date to start selling at the farmers market. December 1, 2018 wound up being our first appearance and this is how it all happened. We wanted to be proactive and have all our paper work ready for our debut in January, after our application was reviewed ...